
Visual feedback in multi-display to support a digital assistant in the vehicle

Mai. 2019 Masterthesis

In this project, the main research topic is how visual feedback can assist voice assistant to interact with the driver in the car, so that the driver can obtain information more quickly and effectively and complete the assigned tasks. Combining with the situation in the Audi cars, I have analyzed and studied the display positions of visual feedback on the three display screens in the car. I combined theoretical research with questionnaires, user scenario analysis and usability tests in the driving simulator, etc., and have designed a concrete visual concept.

Due to copyright protection, not all the details are available to the public.

The research questions

The main research question

How can visual feedback better support a digital assistant in the vehicle in order to interact with the driver?

The sub-research question

1.What information given by the voice assistant is needed to be displayed?
2. On which screen in the car should the information be displayed?

The research process


Human-centered design

The research method of this whole thesis

Design for Smallest Screen First

The method for multi-screen design

The Principle of 3Cs Framework

The design method in terms of the visual and content of multi-screen interaction

Human-centered design adepted from [ISO 9241- 210:2010(E), 2010].

Visual Concept

Daily overview on MMI

Battery Status on MMI

HUD: next appointment